New Beginnings: What’s in Store for 2020

January 1, 2020

New Beginnings: What is in Store for 2020

Hello 2020! It seems extra special to welcome a new year as well as a new decade. I’m not one for resolutions, but love the hope and promise of change.

I’m using today to get to the root of where I find the most inspiration. Flipping through magazines, getting outside, moving my body, and planning out what I’m going to create with my hands this season.

I’ve felt an overwhelming sense of uncomfortable dissatisfaction with my personal progress for the later half of 2019. While I’ve been so blessed with an incredible year, full of big milestones (we bought our dream home and found out we’re having a baby!), I felt stuck in a negative mental state. Much of that had to do with not feeling fulfilled by my daily routine and where I spent the majority of my days. Very recently, I’ve surrendered to the fact that I need to lean into God’s plans for me and step outside of what’s comfortable.

This year, I want to be more intentional about how I spend my time and how I take care of myself: mind, body, and soul. So that I can be a wife, mother, friend, and designer that I’m proud of.


We’re headed to Belize in a few weeks with the Zarda side of the family, and I’m so thankful for the timing of this trip. I can’t wait to escape the cold and spend time with family in the sun.

There may be a small trip or two after that, but I’m kind of loving being at home in this season of life. I plan on enjoying and soaking up time with just Zach and I before baby comes in June. We are SO grateful and excited to meet our little one.


I’ve always been most inspired by creating away from a computer or phone. I’ll be painting more and spending time on cultivating a home that feels like us. I also have some exciting interior ventures coming up that I can’t wait to share with you in the new year.


I’m going to be putting more focus here on this space. Sharing on the blog makes me happy and I now have more time to dedicate to creating and inspiring here. More style, more home decor, and more fun updates on home projects I’m chipping away at to come.

Thank you for being here and engaging on Instagram with me. I love the creative community and sharing little bits of my life and what I love with you. If you have suggestions for what you’d like to see here in the coming year, I welcome the feedback! xx


Art director, stylist, lover of all things neutral. Here you'll find a curation of content about my journey of intentionality in personal style, wellness, home decor, and travel.