Beauty & Skin

My Favorite Healthy Skin Products

For the majority of my life, I haven’t had many issues with my skin outside of the occasional blemish – lucky, I know! So when regular breakouts started out-welcoming their stay, I had no idea what to do to combat the problem.

I’d used the same skincare and makeup products for years and was so out of touch with what else was out there. So I started doing lots of research. I knew I wanted to stick with mostly natural products and I’ve tried many brands over the past 6 months. I also knew I wanted the most minimal amount of products I could get away with – because quality over quantity! I’m finally at a point where I can say I’ve found a collection of brands and products that I am proud to use and that make my skin feel like it’s supposed to again.

It seems so trivial, but having skin problems made me self conscious when out in public. I found myself not wanting to make plans, not wanting to be around people because I was embarrassed of what I was unsuccessfully trying to cover up. The fact that it was consuming my thoughts was silly and frustrating.

Sharing the products I found that worked for me is important because I’ve talked to so many others that have had/still have skin problems that effect their self esteem, so I hope that this list is helpful to some of you.

True Botanicals: Not only are the products like liquid gold, but their customer service and user experience is just as wonderful. You can create an account, customize the products to your needs, and set up subscription so that your products are shipped to you without you having to remember to place another order when you run out (and you’ll save 10% by doing so). The face oil and body oil are two products I never want to live without again!

French Girl Organics: I use both skincare and beauty products from this line. The packaging is beautiful, and the ingredients and scents in their products are light and soothing.

Bare Minerals: The hardest part for me throughout this whole journey was finding foundation that was moisturizing and light. I didn’t want something that looked caked on and flaky by the end of the day. I’ve been really happy with the BareMinerals tinted gel cream. I also use the eye brightener when I’m looking a little tired.

Juice Beauty: Any brand backed by Gwyneth Paltrow is yes for me. I love their mascara, lip crayons, and have heard great things about the CC cream.

A few more notable beauty products: ILIA’s highlighter and RMS Beauty’s Lip2Ceek in Demure, and their eye shadow in Sunset Beach.

A few extra healthy skin tips:

I am by NO MEANS a doctor, dermatologist, or skincare expert, but I’ve found these few things to be helpful in my own experience.

Drink water: Around 60% of our skin is made of water, so it’s no surprise that the more you drink, the better your skin will look. Water has the effect of brightening, making fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable, and flushing toxins from the body.

Eat well: You’ve heard the phrase ‘you are what you eat’, right? Our skin forms from the inside out, so what you put in your mouth has a direct effect on what your skin looks like. High dairy and sugar intake can cause inflammation. By nourishing your body with dark leafy greens, fruits and veggies and other nutrient and vitamin-rich foods will be doing your skin a huge favor!

Sweat: Sweating out the toxins in your body is great for your skin. Just make sure you’re jumping in the shower and washing the sweat off directly after your workout so that the sweat isn’t sitting on your skin causing breakouts.

Buy a humidifier: Dry winter air tends to leave my skin feeling like the desert. A humidifier can help put moisture back into the air and back into your skin when you turn it on at night while you’re sleeping.

I’d love to know if you have any brands or products you think I should check out. You can shop my favorites by clicking the images in the slider below:


Rachael Zarda is an interior designer, stylist, and lifestyle blogger based in the midwest.

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