4 Ways To Improve Your New Year

January 6, 2016

4 Ways To Improve Your New Year | Rachael Adele

Happy New Year to you. It’s been an adjustment getting back to a routine this week, but it was a welcome change after the long holiday break. Over the past week, I’ve done some reflecting and planning for the future, much like I’m sure most of you have done. I’ve been thinking about how we measure time, how a year sections off a portion of our life and defines us, giving us a tangible beginning and end.

I love the reflection the end of a year allows; being able to sit and remember all of the moments, achievements, and challenges the past year uncovered. I so look forward to the endless possibilities the beginning of a new year brings, it’s hopeful, a blank page, a chance to change what isn’t working and harvest those seeds we’ve been planting along the way.

For me, last year was a year of growth, personally and professionally. While there were many positives, there were some really cruddy parts, too. I love this quote by Danielle LePorte: “Sadness brings you eye to eye with your desires”. It’s so, so true, don’t you think? This year was beautifully imperfect and I believe it to be the foundation laid for a year of greatness!

I don’t set resolutions, but I do hope to be intentional about certain areas of life in the coming 365 days + beyond. Play more. Cultivate meaningful relationships. Start something new. Take care of my body and mind. Buy more flowers. Travel to new places. Read for fun. Work hard. Love well.

There are a few things that have been making me feel really great about this year that I wanted to share in case you needed a little inspiration!

1. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier: I’ve gotten into a habit of watching shows or scrolling through Instagram right before going to bed. It’s been proven that staring at a screen right before bedtime effects your ability to sleep.

2. Keep a gratitude journal: Each night I’ve been writing down 3 things I’m thankful for that day. If you’re not the journalling type, even going over them in your head allows you to look back at all the great things that happened that day and will effect your mood for days to come.

3. Watch Life Hacks TEDTalks on Netflix: I love my Netflix, usually in the form of SVU or some sort of drama, so it’s been a nice change of pace watching one or two of these inspirational pieces each night. Each one is no longer than 15 minutes and packed with motivation for the New Year.

4. Buy a planner: I’m not much of a planner. I use a Google calendar as far as booking appointments and roughly scheduling out my blog posts, but I usually just rely on a slew of post it notes scattered around my desk with small lists on them. Obviously that is not the most efficient way to do things when you’re running a design business and a blog. I’ve had planners in the past, but this time I’m finally going to stick to using it! This one is my favorite because it’s broken out into weeks and months. It’s already saved me from so much procrastination and allows me to put my personal and professional goals and obligations in one place.

Do you have any new habits or goals you’re working toward this year? I’d love to hear them! Let’s make it a magical, successful, and joy-filled 2016.

Image by Sarah Sweeney for Nickel & Suede


Art director, stylist, lover of all things neutral. Here you'll find a curation of content about my journey of intentionality in personal style, wellness, home decor, and travel.